Zebra Eczema Fly Rug

$ 64.26

Eczema Sweet Itch Fly Rug offers excellent coverage, great for horses that suffer with sweet itch. It features an attached neck with an elastic closure, a large belly flap with elastic, adjustable surcingles and a wide tail flap, all offering excellent coverage. It also has a closure between the front legs to attach the belly flap. Research has proven that a zebra pattern deters flies.

-Fly rug that offers sweet itch protection for your horse.

-Made from 100% Polyester.

-Eczema rug with fine mesh.

-Breathable fabric.

-Combo neck with elastic insert.

-Wide belly flap with adjustable, elastic surcingles.

-Wide tail flap.

-Plastic buckles.

-Elastic, adjustable leg straps.

-Elastic inserts at the neck, belly flap and legs.

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5'6, 5'9, 6'0, 6'3, 6'6, 6'9, 7'0, 7'3